David Bayer
Buddhist meditation and philosophy first attracted and captured me in the 1970s, initially via the Theravada tradition. I then delved into the Zen traditions and have now found a home in Tibetan Buddhism. I have been a student of Lama Willa since meeting her in 2012 and a Mitra with the Margha Program since 2014.
What drew me to the Margha Program was the wish to deepen and broaden myself—to grow towards a greater sense of freedom, happiness, love, and capacity to act with skill and wisdom in the world. I had long since determined that the path of Dharma is my chosen way and was thus inspired to take advantage of the full curriculum the Margha program offers and more—to nurture a sense of connection and community with such accessible teachers and other similarly motivated practitioners.
Regarding career, I’ve been in human services as a child and family therapist and as a hospice social worker. I am currently working as a Parent Coordinator with the Judicial System of the state of Vermont, interfacing between parents steeped in conflict and the courts to which they so often turn in their efforts to find relief.
I live in Vermont, am married with children and grandchildren and a sweet Dog named Norton.
Upcoming Programs by David Bayer
February Open Practice Intensive (Residential)
Also With Kathe McKenna
Two-night minimum stay, flexible dates. Registration closes on Feb. 12.