Energizing Compassion: The Action of the Divine Masculine (Online Course)

With Lama Liz Monson

January 8 - February 12, 2025

Date and Time Details: Live Online only. Six consecutive Wednesdays from Jan. 8 - Feb. 12, 2024, 5:30–7:00 ET. You can use this time zone converter to determine the start time at your home.

Contact: register@naturaldharma.org

PRICING: Please see the paragraph titled Program Cost for an explanation of the fee structure for this retreat.

  • May All Beings Benefit! $288
  • A Middle Way: $204
  • Held in Sangha Loving-Kindness: $120

Participants are invited to offer dana ("generous giving") to the teachers and to Wonderwell Mountain Refuge at the close of the retreat.

  • Sliding scale

Participants are invited to offer dana ("generous giving") at the close of the retreat.

Sorry! Registration is closed.

The energy of the divine masculine is ancient, primordial, and present in all beings, no matter our biological sex or gender identification. This energy, in its pure forms, manifests in a variety of ways, including confidence, protective impulses, skillful actions, compassionate care, and peaceful, rational engagement with the world around us.

These days, we are keenly aware of the dire consequences when masculine energy becomes unbalanced, warped, distorted, and overblown, leading to patriarchal societies whose shadow manifestations have wreaked havoc on the living world, on relationships of all kinds, on cultural, religious, and social practices, as well as on the sustenance of communities of care and love.

How do we reclaim and reawaken the Divine Masculine? How do we remember and honor the power of this energy within ourselves, reconnecting to its capacity to fuel our actions in the world with compassion, strength, and generosity? Can reactivating the energy of the divine masculine serve as a corrective for what is often termed “toxic masculinity”?

In this six-week course, we will call upon the energies of the Divine masculine as these are expressed in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition in order to harness these powerful forces of compassion and skillful means and to reclaim this essential dimension of our living expression in the world.

Zoom Link

The Zoom link will be sent several days before the course begins to all those registered by then. If you register after that date, you’ll receive the link with your confirmation email shortly after submitting your registration. The same Zoom link will be used each week. If you don’t see an email from Natural Dharma Registrar or Wonderwell Mountain Refuge, it may have mistakenly gone to your spam folder or to Promotions or Updates in Gmail.

Important: Please put these two email addresses in your Contact or Safe-Send list to make sure you receive our emails:

  • register@naturaldharma.org

Program Cost

It is Natural Dharma Fellowship’s aspiration that no one be turned away from our teachings because they are unable to pay the full price. In order make our offerings affordable for all who wish to attend, we suggest a three-level fee structure:

  • May All Beings Benefit! – supporting access for all and assisting with the care and maintenance of Wonderwell Mountain Refuge
  • A Middle Way – covering the base cost
  • Held in Sangha Loving-kindness – offering ease when financial resources are limiting

Our pricing options are based primarily on the length and type of an event and are intended to give you an idea of the costs involved. The amounts listed are suggestions. You may write in any amount that fits your financial situation. Any amount offered above the Middle Way level will be considered a tax-deductible donation and will be acknowledged as such in writing.

Access to Recordings

NDF offers unlimited access to recordings, which are accessed in your user dashboard (more information about user accounts provided in a pre-retreat letter). If you have a user account, please register with the same email you use to log into your dashboard. If not, an account will be created for you using your registration address.

Availability will vary depending on the type of event and the backlog for our precious resource volunteers. Thank you for your patience.

Natural Dharma Fellowship Full Calendar



About the Teacher

Lama Liz Monson

Lama, Managing Teacher, Spiritual Co-Director Elizabeth Monson, PhD, is the Spiritual Co-Director of Natural Dharma Fellowship and the Managing Teacher at Wonderwell Mountain Refuge in Springfield, NH. Liz was authorized as a dharma teacher and lineage holder in the Kagyu Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism after over 30 years of studying, practicing, and teaching Tibetan Buddhism […]

Learn more about Lama Liz Monson

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