Dharma Sunday (4/6) - The Art of Whelm: Finding Balance in an Over-stimulated World (Online)

With Lama Willa Blythe Baker

April 6, 2025

Date and Time Details: April 6, 2025, 12:00-2:00 pm ET. Please plan to join the session early, since meditation begins promptly at 12:00 pm. You can use this time zone converter to determine the start time at your home.

Contact: register@naturaldharma.org

REGISTRATION: We appreciate your registering early.


Suggested Donation – $15.00

Live Online! 

12:00 – 2:00 pm ET

Join Lama Willa Baker and the online sangha of Natural Dharma Fellowship for a morning of teaching, prayer, contemplation, meditation practice, and community. Not by the book, Willa’s Dharma Sundays reflect what is most immediately and spontaneously on her heartmind. Time is allotted at the end of every Sunday session for audience participation, questions and reflections. Bring your curiosity, questions and insights.

Dharma Sundays with Natural Dharma Fellowship take place most Sundays. These sessions, led by highly trained NDF Dharma and guest teachers, include guided meditation, teachings, and time for discussions. A wide range of topics are offered at the discretion of the teacher.

Zoom linkThe Zoom link will be sent two days before the retreat to all those registered by then. This Zoom link will also be used for the Mandala Celebration starting after the Dharma Sunday. Please contact the registrar on Saturday if you haven’t received the link. If you register after that date, you’ll receive the link shortly after submitting your registration. If you don’t see an email from Natural Dharma Registrar or Wonderwell Mountain Refuge, it may have mistakenly been sent to your spam folder. Please put this address in your Contacts to ensure you receive our emails: register@naturaldharma.org.

Closed captioning is available on all online retreats and teachings.

Natural Dharma Fellowship Full Calendar



About the Teacher

Lama Willa Blythe Baker

Lama Willa Blythe Baker, Ph.D. is the Founder of Natural Dharma Fellowship in Boston, MA and its retreat center Wonderwell Mountain Refuge in Springfield, NH. She was authorized as a dharma teacher and lineage holder in the Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism after twelve years of monastic training and two consecutive three-year retreats. She also […]

Learn more about Lama Willa Blythe Baker

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