Braiding Sweetgrass Book Discussion Group

October 17 - 18, 2022

Date and Time Details: October 2022 - March 2023. You can use this time zone converter to determine the start time at your home.

Contact: Matt Fritts

Oct. 17 –  March 21, 2023

Sorry! All groups are full. You can email if you would like to be placed on the wait list. Please indicate which group you are interested in. Thank you!

NDF’s Inclusion and Equity Committee (IEC) is delighted to open this book study group to all who might be interested. Early registration was offered to people who returned the survey that we included in the August and September newsletters, which is why you will find that some groups are already full. We hope you’ll find one that works for you!

In the spirit of the Green Dharma retreat held this summer, NDF’s Inclusion and Equity Committee (IEC) is happy to announce a book discussion group focused on exploring the Dharmic view of nature, our inter-relationship with nature and how that view impacts and informs our Bodhisattva vows in daily life. This topic was selected based on the overwhelming majority of responses to an Affinity Group interest survey IEC conducted earlier this year, and it dovetails with the theme of this year’s Dharma Dialogues seriesEcosattvas in the Anthropocene.

This discussion group will read and gather virtually to discuss “Braiding Sweetgrass.” The subtitle of this book is “Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants.” Indeed, this is what lies between the book’s covers—yet it doesn’t tell readers what an extraordinary journey they will have, chapter by chapter, as they hear the messages in this book and the beauty of its writing. As a botanist, professor, writer, and member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, the author, Robin Wall Kimmerer, has gifted us with her hands-on experience exploring the natural world with the insight and teachings of her indigenous lineage and professional career. Sensing the grace and wonder in the writing of each section, we come away with a new appreciation of “reciprocity” in nature and a desire to honor and protect the bounty of beauty and wisdom our planet offers.


Sorry! Group 1 is full. Third Sunday of the month, 5:00–6:00 pm ET. Facilitator: Bed Hermin. Schedule exception: First meeting is 10/23 (fourth Sunday). Subsequent meeting dates are third Sundays.

Sorry! Group 2 is full.  Third Monday of the month, 7:30–8:30 pm ET. Facilitator: Matt Fritts. First meeting is 10/17. Schedule exception: Feb. meeting will be on Feb. 13 (second Monday).

Sorry! Group 3 is full.  Third Thursday of the month, 5:00–6:00 pm ET. Facilitator: Alex Marie. First meeting is 10/20.

Sorry! Group 4 is full. Third Wednesday of the month, 12:00–1:00 pm ET. Facilitator: Francine Rainone.  First meeting is 10/19. If you’ve already registered and would prefer to join Group 4 instead, please email Matt Fritts. We will do our best to accommodate your request.